Sunday, August 15, 2010


Bangabhaban is the official residence of the president of Bangladesh.It was originally the temporary official residence of British Viceroy of india,then of the governor of East Bengal and was known as Governor House.The present site of Bangabhaban has a long history.During the Sultanate period a saint called Hazrat Shahjalal Dakhini used to reside in the area.He along with his disciples were mercilessly kill by the men of the ruling Sultan and buried here.With the passage of time the place became famous as a majar and later was abandoned.During the Mughal rule,Mirza Mukim was the official in charge of Nawara Mahal under Subadar Mir Jumla.His residence was on the southern side of Purana Paltan Maidan.There were two big hillocks inside and outside of his residence.One of them still lies within the boundary of Bangabhaban.The large tank inside came to be known as Motijheel,lake of pearl,because of the legend that Mirza Mukim's daughter used to throw her ornaments there.Later,Nawab Abdul Ghani of Dhaka built a bunglow there which he named as Dilkusha Garden.
On the partition of Bengal in 1905, a building was constructed there for the Viceroy of India.He used to stay here during his visits in East Bengal upto 1911.Until 1947,the place was known as Governor House.The Governor House was renamed as Bangabhaban on 12 January 1972.It is the official residence of the President of Bangladesh.

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